Come and learn rhythmic movements and how to massage baby to meet their need for proximity and touch. You’ll be guided by Josée, a birth assistant from our midwifery services and certified massage therapist! Where? St. Charles Library, 1050, Hibernia Street (3rd floor) When? Saturday, March 27 at 10:00 a.m. …
03/02/2025 | The Clinic’s Health Action Committee is inviting the media to a press conference to be held this Wednesday, February 5 at 10 a.m. at the Centre Saint-Pierre to propose concrete solutions to six alarming problems concerning the incursion of private interests into healthcare in Quebec. The event is …
The 2024-2025 edition of The Clinic in a Nutshell, the magazine for members of the Point St. Charles Community Clinic, is now available! You can read it online by clicking here -> The Clinic in a Nutshell 2024-2025 You can also pick up a paper copy of the magazine (in …
Since October 1, 2024, the Clinic has been required to transition our blood collection service from the Verdun hospital to the CHUM. However, the transition is not going as smoothly as we would like, and the Clinic is facing major logistical and technical challenges that are unfortunately beyond our control. …
The urgent structural repairs to the Clinic’s building on Ash have been completed. You can now once again enter the Clinic through the main door. We took advantage of the work to redo the pavement in front of the Clinic entrance, with a view to renovating the access ramp. Since …
Following a major water infiltration, the main entrance to 500, Ash Avenue will be closed on November 18 for urgent repairs to the building’s structure. The work is expected to last around a week. To accommodate users during the work, an access to the Clinic will be set up in …
Come and learn rhythmic movements and how to massage baby to meet his or her need for closeness and touch. You will be guided by Josée, a birth assistant from our midwifery services and certified massage therapist! Where? In the basement of the Clinic at 1955 Centre Street When? Saturday, …
Please note that the Clinic’s walk-in medical services, the walk-in nursing services and the psychosocial reception will be closed on Monday, October 14, 2024 for Thanksgiving. Back to regular hours on Tuesday, October 15.
Vaccination against influenza, COVID-19 and pneumococcus will be taking place in the Clinic basement, at 500, Ash Avenue, at the following times: No appointment necessary. Please note that the quantities of COVID and pneumococcus vaccines we will be receiving are limited, and will be available according to criteria established by …
Excellent news for access to care for our users: the Clinic has recruited a new doctor, Dr Hanen Harrabi, who is giving us her Fridays for walk-in appointments on Ash. As a result, two new time slots are opening up for walk-in medical appointments at the Clinic: Friday mornings and …
You are invited to the Point St. Charles Midwifery Services’ Festive Picnic on Saturday, September 14, 2024, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Hibernia Square, next to the Library (2333 Mullins Street, Montreal, QC H3K 3E3). Your midwives, birth assistants and administrative officer can’t wait to see you! Come along with your family, …
Please note that we are currently dealing with many unforeseen absences affecting our routine services and home support teams. We must therefore limit our activities to essential nursing interventions. As a result, there may be delays before you are seen by a nurse, or you may be referred to other …
Come and discover your clinic’s services and committees! When : Thursday, September 19th, 5 – 7 pm Where : in the yard at 500, Ash Avenue Visit the premises · kiosks · inflatable play set · conference · childcare · dance · snacks The event will be followed by the …
Due to technical problems beyond our control, our digital platforms for making appointments with the Clinic’s doctors (SOFY and RVSQ) are not working. To make an appointment, please contact us by telephone at 514-937-9251 (option 2), or in person at the Clinic reception on Ash Street. We will let you …
It’s almost summer! Time for holidays and fine weather, but also time for possible heat waves. Climate change could lead to increasingly intense and prolonged periods of extreme heat, potentially hazardous to your health. To protect yourself from extreme heat, and to protect the vulnerable people around you, we invite …
Your Clinic as firmly rooted as ever in the neighbourhood! The Clinic’s 2024 AGA is fast approaching! Come and bring the Clinic’s citizen-based project to life by taking part in the meeting, exercising your right to vote and staying informed about health issues. This year, we are pleased to offer …
To ensure the health of the population, the Clinic wants to start mobilizing right away with a new environmental project. On Saturday 27 April, we want to hear your ideas on how to : The event will be taking place at 1955 rue du Centre, in the backyard. More details …
As of April 24, 2024, the Youth Clinic will be opening its doors on Wednesday evenings from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Ash Avenue! Urinary tract infection treatment, STI screening, condom distribution, support for starting/renewing/adjusting contraception, pregnancy test, etc. No appointment necessary, just walk in! Don’t hesitate to come …
Offered in collaboration with the Point St. Charles and Little Burgundy Community Legal Services, this workshop is open to everyone. ***Registration required***
On January 24, 2024, in Chicago, Margaret Ward Siber passed away peacefully in her sleep at the age of 80. Born in Montreal, she spent her childhood in Maisonneuve and Saint-Lambert. She attended Bishop’s University, where she studied medicine. Despite her rebellious nature, she was a brilliant student and passed …
Last night, Clinic community organizer Margot Silvestro, accompanied by Philippe Hurteau of the APTS and Josyane Giroux of the Regroupement Les sages-femmes du Québec (RSFQ), detailed the main issues raised by the Dubé Reform (PL15) in front of an audience of 50. While Margot Silvestro outlined the potential effects of …
The Clinic Users’ Committee will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 6 p.m. online. A meal from St. Hubert’s will be provided to all participants residing in Point St. Charles (veggie option available). Registration is mandatory, after which you will receive a link to …
Wednesday, November 22 – 5 to 7 PM – Pavillon des aînés (2401, Mullins Street) Health Minister Christian Dubé is presently working on another reform of our healthcare network, the third in twenty years after the Couillard reform (2003) and the Barrette reform (2015). The bill’s title – An act …
As of April 17, the Clinic will have a new medical record software for our users. Still confidential, it offers new possibilities for our professionals, but also for you! From now on, our administrative agents will enter your email address when you make an appointment. This will allow you to …
The current staff shortage is forcing us to reduce certain services offered by the reception nurses. We are moving certain non-urgent appointments considered in order to focus on essential services that cannot wait (wound care, injections, etc.). We must therefore temporarily put the following services on waiting lists For the …
A fierce activist who was engaged on several fronts, Lorraine Guay passed away on June 17. We would like to acknowledge her immense contribution to the Point St. Charles Community Clinic. For fifteen years, from 1972 to 1987, she worked and invested an incredible amount of time and energy at …
A social worker at the Clinic for the past 23 years, Maria Costa has taken on the role of Clinical Activites Specialist (CAS) since July 4. Created at the request of the Multidisciplinary Council, the brand new position will serve to supervise the various teams in charge of psychosocial intervention, …
The Comité de lutte en santé is launching today a campaign to sensibilize and the increase access to mental health care. A real obstacle course for those why try to get access to care, the comittee illustrate the situation and put forward is revendications for a better access to care. …
The calls for the 4th dose vaccination begin. The Community Clinic is in the process of developing its next vaccination clinics which will be held in specific neighborhood settings. Specific dates will be available soon. Stay tuned!
Our committee is there to:
– Learn about your rights and obligations;
– Defend the rights of all users;
– You accompany or assist you, if you wish, in a process, whether it is to obtain services, make a comment or file a complaint;
– Evaluate the degree of satisfaction with the services obtained;
– Promote the improvement of the quality of your living conditions.
The pandemic is undoubtedly having a major impact (financial, familial, etc.) on stress levels for everyone across society. The mental health barometer on the following page is a tool to help you assess your mental health, and depending on the results, offer strategies to help you feel better. There’s a …
The Pointe-Saint-Charles Community Clinic is marking truth and reconciliation week and the anniversary of Joyce Echaquan’s death by announcing our endorsement of the Council of the Atikamekw of Manawan’s call to action and our unwavering support for the fight for equity. Joyce’s Principle aims to guarantee to all Indigenous people …
The Pointe-Saint-Charles Community Clinic is marking truth and reconciliation week and the anniversary of Joyce Echaquan’s death by announcing our endorsement of the Council of the Atikamekw of Manawan’s call to action and our unwavering support for the fight for equity. Joyce’s Principle aims to guarantee to all Indigenous people …