1 – Call the Clinic at 514-937-9251 ext. 7200 at the exact time (see When? below)
2 – Leave a message with your name and phone number
3 – Wait for us to call you back with the time of your appointment
Note: The phone operators only take the first 10 messages. Time slots only take a few minutes to fill up. If you do not get a return phone call, it means that there are no more spots left. Please note that we cannot guarantee that the doctor will see you at the exact time of your appointment, please expect delays.
- Mondays at 11 am -> for a Monday afternoon consultation
- Mondays at 6:30 pm -> for a Tuesday morning consultation
- Wednesdays at 6:30 pm -> for a Thursday morning consultation
- Thursdays at 6:30 pm -> for a Friday consultation
Other consultation options, depending on your specific needs
- Your family doctor
- Primary Care Access Point (GAP) 811, option 3 or 514-693-6663 option 2
- Other walk-in medical clinics
- Our walk-in nursing services
- Our walk-in social worker services, extension 7500
- 811: Info santé (option 1) and Info social (option 2)
- Other resources: pharmacist, optometrist, dentist, community organizations, etc.

To book an appointment:
- by phone: 514 937-9251 extension 7302 between 12 P.M. and 8 P.M.
- Online at the Quebec Medical Appointment Scheduler (RVSQ)
- For all doctors on Ash Street, except Dr Christine Demers
- Please note that we can help you navigate the RVSQ website by phone, do not hesitate to call us
- Please note that it is not yet possible to book an appointment via the Sofy portal.
- For an appointment on Center Street, or for an emergency time slot, please call (514) 937-9251 extension 7302
- Appointment cancellation: at least 24 hours before your appointment, please
- According to our policy, 2 missed appointments in a row could make you lose your family doctor
- Perinatal care :
- The Clinic has midwifery services
- or you can also register with Ma grossesse to find other types of care and information
- please note that the Clinic doctors do not offer perinatal care
- Documents:
- To bring to your appointment: medicare card, medication list
- To leave with your doctor: please leave them to the secretaries at the reception desk
- Forms that need filling out need to be signed by the user beforehand
Our doctors:
- Dr Véronique Cloutier-Nguyen
- Dr Christine Demers
- Dr Camille Gérin
- Dr Éric-Viet Laperrière-Nguyen
- Dr Marie-Ève Leblanc (absent until mid-April 2025)
- Dr Juliette Lemieux-Forget
- Dr Annie McNicoll
- Dr Rosalie Mongeau-Petitpas
- Dr Yasmine Ousalem
- Dr Glynn Rankin-Jardin
- Dr Joanie Tremblay-Pouliot
What to do if you cannot get an appointment:
- Try to get an appointment on another day, or another week (either through RVSQ or by phone)
- If your case is semi-urgent :
- Find out if there are emergency slots left by calling (514) 937-9251 extension 7302
- See a doctor at our walk-in clinic (see instructions above)
- See a Clinic nurse or social worker
- See “Other consultation options, depending on your specific needs” (see above)

Do you live in Point St. Charles? Register onto the Quebec Family Doctor Finder (GAMF) centralized waiting list:
- Online on the GAMF website
- By phone : 514 527-2318 (Monday to Friday, 8 A.M. to 4 P.M.)
Still waiting?
- Make sure to update your request if you have new health problems, as this could change your priority level on the waiting list
- Make sure your contact information is exact, up-to-date and complete
- If you need help, do not hesitate to ask your nurse or social worker
You need to see a doctor (other options)?
- Follow instructions for our walk-in clinic, or see “Other consultation options, depending on your specific needs” (see above)
- Call the Primary Care Access Point (GAP) 811, option 3 or 514-693-6663 option 2