Need help? Talk to a social worker

Consultation without appointment with a social worker

*** Due to the severe labour shortage we are facing, we are forced to limit access to the Clinic’s walk-in psychosocial services. Only those going through a high-risk situation will be seen without an appointment. ***

Reception, evaluation, orientation, personal difficulties, relationship or adjustment, bereavement, loss of job, domestic violence, help with institutional procedures, you’re in a difficult situation or you or someone close to you is experiencing a mental health problem, etc.

  • 514-937-9251 ext. 7500 Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

The Clinic also offer mental health services: diagnosis, multidisciplinary follow-up in the medium or long term


For reasons beyond our control related to understaffing wait times may be longer than usual. Thank you for your understanding.

Other ressources

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) of your work

Info-Social (social worker 24h/24): 8-1-1

Crisis center L’Autre Maison (18 ans et +): 514-768-7225


Suicide Action Montréal – Help and suicide prevention center (24h) : 1-866-APPELLE

SOS Violence conjugale (24h) : 1-800-363-9010 or 438-601-1211 — texto

Tel-Aînés (10h à 22h): 514-353-2463

Tel-Jeunes (24h): 514-288-2266

Victims of sexual assault (24h): 1-888-933-9007

Drug Help and Reference (24h) : 514-527-2626

Pregnancy : 514-271-0554

Food assistance

Église Saint-Charles: 514-932-5335

Maison du partage d’Youville: 514-935-9846

Mission du Grand Berger: 514-933-9608

St. Gabriel Church: 514-937-3597

Share the warmth: (514) 933-5599 (poste 231)