Table of Contents [hide]
- Mesures in force in Montreal
- Statistics: COVID cases and vaccination data
- Ressources
- If you are worried about COVID‑19 or display symptoms
- Prevention tips
- Wearing a Face Covering in Public Settings
- For more information, to follow developments and for the latest guidelines
Uptated February 18, 2022
The World Health Organization has officially declared pandemic status for COVID-19.
In Quebec, the government is therefore taking all necessary measures to limit the contagion as much as possible.
Mesures in force in Montreal
The measures in force in Québec are adopted by Orders in Council and Ministerial Orders signed by the government.
These measures target certain areas of activity and environments that are at risk of transmission. Such sectors are subject to selective restrictions or bans.
You are asked to avoid unnecessary social contact.
Offence reports and fines are issued to individuals who fail to comply with the measures.
Booster dose
Vaccination is the first step in getting back to normal life. It is available for people aged 5 and over.
- Vaccines are reliable and safe.
- The vaccine is free to anyone who wants to receive it, regardless of status or insurance coverage.
- You do not need to present a health insurance card to receive the vaccines.
- While waiting for the vaccine and even after its administration, we must continue to protect ourselves and our loved ones by applying health instructions.
To make an appointment:
Telephone: 514 362-6300
We invite you to help your loved ones and relatives make an appointment and to accompany them on site if they need support.
Note that several places offer walk-in vaccination.
Multilingual information about vaccination
কভিড-১৯ টিকা Vacunación contra la COVID 19 COVID 19 疫苗接种 Вакцинация от COVID-19 Vaccinazione COVID-19 We all have good questions about the vaccine in 21 language.
Vaccination passeport
The vaccine passport allows people aged 13 and up who are adequately protected against COVID-19 to be admitted to certain places and non-essential activities.
- Obtaining your vaccine passport
- Showing your vaccine passport The vaccine passport may be shown in different formats and must be accompanied by a piece of identification.
- Protection status Criteria to be respected to have the “adequately protected” vaccination status in the vaccine passport, as well as the criteria for exemptions.
- Places and activities requiring the passport See the list of activities and places where the vaccine passport is needed.
- Help for VaxiCode Application for citizens to save their proof of vaccination and read their protection status.
- Add a QR code in VaxiCode Instructions for adding one or more proof of vaccination in the VaxiCode application.
- Travellers to Québec
Statistics: COVID cases and vaccination rate
Data COVID vaccination
- Situation in Montréal
- Number of Montréal residents vaccinated, by age group
- Number of doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered in Montréal
All information you need in a easy reading flyer
Self-Care Guide
Your home is your primary care centre.The purpose of this guide is to help you in taking the best decisions for your own health and the health of your close friends and family during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.
This guide will enable you to:
- Learn the best ways to protect yourself
- Take care of yourself
- Learn the basic care to provide to your friends and family
- Learn when and who to consult when you require care and services
The self-care guide (updated October 15, 2020)
The self-care guide for parents (updated January 13, 2021)
Stress, Anxiety and Depression? Tips to keep your balance!
- Call your social worker at the Clinic.
- If you don’t already have a social worker at the Clinic, call 514 937-9251 ext. 7248 (9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.)
- Call 8-1-1, 24/7
- See our page: Tips and resources that help us keep balance in a pandemic!
Informal and family caregivers: Informations and directives
All the information here – uptaded on May 22
COVID-19: List of multilingual tools
All the informations and tools here
- COVID-19: what you need to know about the disease
- Decision Fact Sheet: what to do if you have symptoms
- Isolation instructions
- Wearing a face covering
- Adapting to new ways of living and working at home with your family
- Grocery shopping
- Housing
- Finance
If you are worried about COVID‑19 or display symptoms
Signs and symptoms (uptated April 15)
- Fever (over 38oC) or chills
- Cough: recent or worse than before
- Shortness of breath
- Sudden loss of smell (without a stuffy nose) with ou without loss of taste
Other possible symptoms:
- Intense fatigue
- Headache
- Muscle / joint pain
- Runny nose
- Sore throat
- Shortness of breath
- Sputum
- Sudden loss of taste and smell
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
So far, the average incubation period has been estimated to be 5 to 6 days. However, it could extend up to 12.5 days.
If you believe you have been exposed to COVID-19 or have symptoms similar to COVID-19, you are invited to complete the COVID-19 Symptom Self-Assessment to get a recommendation on the next steps to follow, according to your condition. This assessment can be completed for your child or for another member of your family.
Important: This self-assessment tool is not intended to be a substitute for medical attention. Always follow the healthcare professional’s instructions.
Important: change in the conditions for getting tested
Do not show up to a testing center if you are not in one of the groups below.
PCR tests performed at screening clinics are now reserved for certain priority groups:
- Symptomatic individuals in the following groups: inpatients, emergency department patients, health care workers in contact with patients, staff, residents, essential care providers and visitors in hospitals, outpatients being considered for treatment for COVID-19, and people who are homeless or in residential distress;
- people from Aboriginal communities and people working with Aboriginal communities;
- certain individuals in the context of confirmed or suspected outbreaks in high-risk settings
- Asymptomatic health care system users according to provincial guidelines or directives.
If you do not fit into the identified groups :
- Individuals with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 will be able to turn to the rapid tests available at pharmacies. If these tests are not available, these individuals will be considered as having COVID-19 and will have to follow the isolation guidelines in effect.
- More information:

Testing clinics
The closest screening clinic:
- Basement of the St-Charles church, 2115 Center street
- GMFU de Verdun: 3950 boul. Lasalle, Verdun. WITH appointment: 514 644-4545. Open monday to friday 8am to 6pm.
- Hôtel-Dieu, at 109 avenue des Pins. It is open 7 days a week, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. without an appointment.
> Complete list of the Testing Clinics here ( sherch for South Centre of the Island of Montreal)

Prevention tips
Recognized hygiene measures are recommended for everyone:
- Wash your hands often with soap under warm running water for at least 20 seconds.
- Use an alcohol-based hand rub if soap and water are not available.
- Practice proper cough and sneeze etiquette:
- Cover your mouth and nose with your arm to reduce the spread of germs.
- If you use a tissue, dispose of it as soon as possible and wash your hands afterwards.
- If you are sick, avoid contact with more vulnerable people, including the elderly and people with chronic illnesses. For example, avoid visiting people in hospitals, people in long-term care shelters, or private residences.
- Avoid direct contact for greetings, such as handshakes, and favor the use of alternative practices.
Wearing a Face Covering in Public Settings
- Wearing a face cover is recommended when physical distancing in public settings is not possible (2 meters or 6’5”), such as when you are shopping or taking public transportation.
- If you are sick, stay home
- If you need to go to a medical clinic or hospital, you may wear your face covering until you are given a procedure mask.
- Wearing a handmade mask should NOT IN ANY CASE reduce hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene and physical distancing (2 meters / 6’5 “).
Recipe that can be used to disinfect surfaces
1 part bleach for 9 parts water (source: