Periods of extreme heat

It’s almost summer! Time for holidays and fine weather, but also time for possible heat waves. Climate change could lead to increasingly intense and prolonged periods of extreme heat, potentially hazardous to your health. To protect yourself from extreme heat, and to protect the vulnerable people around you, we invite …

Evening Youth Clinic

As of April 24, 2024, the Youth Clinic will be opening its doors on Wednesday evenings from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Ash Avenue! Urinary tract infection treatment, STI screening, condom distribution, support for starting/renewing/adjusting contraception, pregnancy test, etc. No appointment necessary, just walk in! Don’t hesitate to come …

A look back at the November 22 neighbourhood assembly on the Dubé Reform (PL15)

Last night, Clinic community organizer Margot Silvestro, accompanied by Philippe Hurteau of the APTS and Josyane Giroux of the Regroupement Les sages-femmes du Québec (RSFQ), detailed the main issues raised by the Dubé Reform (PL15) in front of an audience of 50. While Margot Silvestro outlined the potential effects of …