Sofy portal for Clinic users

From now on, confidential documents can be transmitted to you in a secure manner via the Sofy patient portal.

Make an appointment

By phone: (514) 937-9251 or via Portail Sofy or Rendez-vous santé Québec

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm on Center and on Ash street, and from *4pm to 8pm on Ash street (*by appointment only)

Find us!

Two addresses in Pointe-Saint-Charles.

Baby massage workshop

Come and learn rhythmic movements and how to massage baby to meet their need for proximity and touch. You’ll be guided by Josée, a birth assistant from our midwifery services and certified massage therapist! Where? St. Charles Library, 1050, Hibernia Street (3rd floor) When? Thursday, March 27 at 10:00 a.m. …